What Making Your Bed (Or Not!) Says About You

Mcspiedoboston now shares with you the article What Making Your Bed (Or Not!) Says About You on our Food cooking blog.

Bạn Đang Xem: What Making Your Bed (Or Not!) Says About You

Walk me through your morning. Not the breakfast part—though personally, I’d love all the details; I hope there was cake—but the stuff before that. Was there an alarm clock in the mix? One you perhaps snoozed? Or did you wake naturally and hop out of bed like a spring (or fall) chicken?

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The latter is more likely if you’re someone who makes your bed every day. At least, according to a recent survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by sleep industry blog Sleepopolis. So say the survey results, bed-makers are more likely to be “morning people” who wake us sans alarm. They apparently nap for an average of 43 minutes daily, and are more likely to enjoy jazz music—as well as House Hunters, and romantic films.

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Meanwhile, over in unkempt-bed-land, you’re more likely to meet a “night person” who hits the snooze button on an alarm clock—the horror!—and naps for a staggering average of 50 minutes daily (must be nice). These owls of the evening are more likely to get down to rock music, watch Seinfeld, and enjoy comedies. Non-bed-makers are also almost twice as likely to enjoy indie movies as bed-makers (cough, attracted to a sense of whimsy, anyone?).

According to Marie Haaland of public relations firm 72 Point (which worked with Sleepopolis to create the survey), 60 percent of respondents overall reported that they make their beds every day, while 40 percent said they do not make their beds on the majority of days.

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Bed-makers are likelier to be adventurous, confident, high-maintenance, and sociable folk. Non-bed-makers are prone to shyness, moodiness, sarcasm, and curiosity—though apparently not about how to execute the perfect hospital corners. According to Haaland, roughly consistent groups of bed-makers and non-bed-makers reported never taking naps (17 percent and 18 percent, respectively).

While we realize that this survey was more on the anecdotal (aka, just for fun) side of the spectrum, we think there’s something to be said for delving into the psychology of early-morning task masters. Sleepopolis was conspicuously silent on the class of sleepers I personally am most curious about: those who make their bed on the weekend, and then immediately get back into it. If my sample size of one is any indicator, it’s likely that we prefer The Great British Baking Show re-runs, and nap at all opportunities.

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You can see an infographic of the survey results here.

Are you a bed-maker, or do you leave it unmade? Let us know in the comments!

Nguồn: https://mcspiedoboston.com
Danh mục: Food

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About the Author: Jack Spell

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