7 Indoor Plants That Are Near-Impossible to Kill

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Bạn Đang Xem: 7 Indoor Plants That Are Near-Impossible to Kill

With all the gorgeous, plant-filled interior spaces I’ve seen lately, it seems like any room could benefit from a little greenery. Even science says so: NASA’s famous Clean Air study shows that certain indoor plants can provide a natural way of removing toxins like formaldehyde and ammonia from the air. Other research shows that just having plants around improves focus, lowers anxiety, and increases productivity. Yet another study concluded that people experience an unconscious calming reaction simply by touching a plant.

But if the idea of keeping a plant alive gives you the cold sweats, don’t despair: You can still embrace the lush life by selecting ones that fit your space and lifestyle. Read on for experts’ top picks for beginners who want to fill their home with plants—no green thumb required!

“If you’re looking for a plant that can endure a lot of neglect—not that I advocate such treatment—this is the one for you,” says Danae Horst, owner of Folia Collective in Eagle Rock, CA. “Sansevierias can tolerate very low light, as long as there’s some natural light in the room, and have leaves that store water so they can go for longer stretches between watering.”

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With over 60 different species of sansevieria, shapes can range from the classic “snake plant” look, to more interesting options like starfish (S. cylindrica “boncel”), or whale fins (S. masoniana)—perfect picks for statement-making decor.

Do you have a spot that allows for hanging or trailing plants? Then perhaps a hoya fits the bill.

These waxy-leaved plants need lots of bright, filtered light (which means no direct sun). Horst recommends allowing the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings for the best result. If they have a trellis or stake, these vines will climb, or you can let them trail over the sides of its pot. “Over time they put out the most amazing looking little flowers!” says Horst.

“If you’re looking for a large plant to fill a not-so-bright corner, ficus elastica would be the one,” says Deanna Florendo, San Francisco-based plant stylist and curator of Habitpattern.

It will thrive in lower-light conditions and is very forgiving when it comes to a missed watering. Its large, glossy leaves might need an occasional wipe-down to get rid of dust and water spots, but generally, you don’t need to do much. Florendo suggests repotting your ficus elastica once every couple of years.

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Another of Florendo’s favorites is known as the dracaena marginata, sometimes called the dragon tree.

“It’s an attractive, drought-tolerant plant that is great for beginners,” she says. “It prefers medium light, but will also do well in low light to partial shade.” She also notes that this plant can grow fairly tall, often over six feet even indoors, which can be a stunning addition for spaces with high ceilings.

The ubiquitous monstera deliciosa has gained favor with plant lovers because of the distinctive splits and cutouts on its dark, glossy leaves. It requires bright to medium indirect light and medium water, but can tolerate a little drought.

“If you forget to water your Monstera, it won’t hold a grudge,” says Rhiannon Cramm of Mickey Hargitay Plants. A happy Monstera can result in a voluminous plant that might require pruning, but this plant is also easy to propagate from cuttings—meaning you may find yourself with monstera babies to give away.

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All of the experts I spoke with agreed that the ZZ plant is an excellent pick for forgetful caregivers, withstanding periods of drought and lower light conditions. Horst describes this plant as a sculptural beauty, and notes, “Over time the leaves can arch in a graceful fashion, and, if kept in good light and cared for well, the plant can grow to be quite large.”

Our last pick was a tie between pothos, picked by Cramm and Florendo, and philodendron, picked by Horst. These similar-looking plants are often confused for one another, thanks to the fact that they’re both vines that can be trellised or left to trail. Both do best with bright, filtered light, and watering about once a week, and both offer a variety of leaf shapes and patterns that can add style to any space.

What’s your favorite indoor plant? Let us know in the comments!

Nguồn: https://mcspiedoboston.com
Danh mục: Food

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About the Author: Jack Spell

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