5 Easiest-Ever Ways to Refresh Your Kitchen

Mcspiedoboston now shares with you the article 5 Easiest-Ever Ways to Refresh Your Kitchen on our Food cooking blog.

Bạn Đang Xem: 5 Easiest-Ever Ways to Refresh Your Kitchen

So many of us have a dream kitchen we fantasize about building for ourselves one day…maybe, like, when we win the lottery. But you don’t have to have a million dollars to give your kitchen a makeover, you don’t have to gut the space to give it a refresh (as much as you might like to), and you don’t have to own your home to make a big design impact (renters, rejoice!). By adding a touch of color, a bright new pattern, or an unexpected storage solution, you can easily perk up your kitchen in so many delightful ways.

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Here are five ways to add style and freshness to your kitchen—without calling a contractor.

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I never understood the power of a kitchen mat until, in a fit of retail therapy, I bought myself one. I can now say with 100% certainty that I will never live in a home without a kitchen mat ever again. A rug makes a kitchen feel like an actual room in your house (not just the place where the refrigerator and the stove happen to live), and adds a sense of thoughtfulness that’s subtly buoying every time you step into the room. Bright or neutral, patterned or solid, it’s all good.


Maybe your kitchen doesn’t have a backsplash, or maybe your kitchen does have a backsplash and its ugliness is a point of constant aggravation, or maybe you know you want a new backsplash but your lifelong commitment to being noncommittal prevents you from making a backsplash decor decision. Either way, vibrant new tiles are the answer. Specifically, self-adhesive sticker tiles that look like the real thing but require no complex installation and you can take with you when you move. They’re perfect for renters, pattern newbies flirting with the idea of a new look, or those of us who just can’t decide on the pattern we like best.

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At this point your Instagram feed has overwhelmingly proven that plants improve spaces: They add color, make the air feel cleaner, calm your nerves. Why wouldn’t you want that in your kitchen, too? If you have a windowsill that plants can live on, then lucky you. If not, a hanging planter is just the thing to add life (literally) to your space. I’m partial to pothos, which have bright green leaves and grow well in low-light conditions, but you do you.


Based on an informal poll of a handful of people, it turns out that very few of us have art on the walls of our kitchens. Living rooms? Of course. Bedrooms? Sure. My completely unscientific survey revealed that even bathrooms tend to have more art in them than kitchens do. So why are we denying kitchens the artistic love they deserve? Vintage menus and restaurant signs are beautiful, whether you identify with the breakfast autocrat or a mermaid riding a lobster. Plus, they can be hung in all sorts of ways besides framing, which can get a little pricey. A magnetic photo bar lets you change up your artwork whenever you feel like it (perfect for the commitment-phobic) and wooden hanging frames are ideal for irregularly sized pieces.

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Some of the most beautiful things I own are pots and pans and plates, objects that are usually hidden from sight behind cabinet doors. Displaying them proudly is not only a way to show off their good looks, but it’s also functional, too. A minimal wooden plate rack is ideal for flaunting any special china, and a wall-mounted pot rack creates a place to hang all those gorgeous pots and pans. Out of the cupboard, onto the wall, and your kitchen suddenly has style.

What are some easy ways to bring style into your kitchen? Let us know below!

Nguồn: https://mcspiedoboston.com
Danh mục: Food

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About the Author: Jack Spell

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