Categories: Food

The Cutest, No-Bake Carrot Cake Ball Pick-Me-Ups

Mcspiedoboston now shares with you the article The Cutest, No-Bake Carrot Cake Ball Pick-Me-Ups on our Food cooking blog.

Bạn Đang Xem: The Cutest, No-Bake Carrot Cake Ball Pick-Me-Ups

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Nothing gets this office more excited than snacks. We may be a food brand with all-day-long grazing opportunities (yes, we’re aware of how lucky we are!), but that doesn’t mean we’re immune to midday slumps. And while it isn’t a rare sight for our test kitchen to parade out a lineup of beautifully frosted, perfectly swooshy cakes, it’s also nice sometimes to nibble on something that isn’t a straight-up sugar rush.

These spiced, nutty carrot cake balls from Nicola Graimes’s Superfood Energy Balls & Bites fit the bill for several of our staffers.

Shop editor Gerard Coletta was a fan: “These little guys look like your typical energy ball, but hold just enough carrot-cakey goodness to feel like a treat.” Assistant editor Katie Macdonald was on board, too: “I love the crunch of the seeds, and that they aren’t too sweet or oily, which I feel energy balls are sometimes.”

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That’s exactly what Graimes was going for in developing this recipe. “I’m a big fan of carrot cake and this recipe encapsulates all the flavors of my favorite cake, especially the warming mixed/apple pie spice, but in an energy ball,” she tells us. “Whenever possible, I like to include vegetables in snacks, and root vegetables such as carrots work particularly well as they add a slight sweetness, along with vibrant color, flavor, and valuable nutrients. For an extra energy boost, the carrot cake balls also include quinoa, nut butter, and vanilla protein powder.” Graimes explains that the protein powder is optional, and that the recipe will taste just as good without. “The balls will be a slightly softer in texture but still hold together well,” she explains.

Make a batch of these no-bake carrot cake balls, and you’ll be ready to fight off your next post-lunch hankering with something delicious and wholesome.

What are some of your other favorite energy-packed snacks? Fill us in below!

Nguồn: https://mcspiedoboston.com
Danh mục: Food

Jack Spell: