Categories: Food

American Farming’s Uncertain Future

Mcspiedoboston now shares with you the article American Farming’s Uncertain Future on our Food cooking blog.

Bạn Đang Xem: American Farming’s Uncertain Future

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The 2008 Farm Bill expired this Monday with no new bill in sight. Although the Senate passed a five-year replacement bill this summer, the House of Representatives has neglected to vote on the new legislation, instead deciding to wait until election season is over to revisit the issue. In this article from Civil Eats, Ferd Hoefner argues that the consequences of this inaction could be disastrous for both large-scale and lesser-known food and agriculture programs.

An expired farm bill will mean a sudden lack of funds for small farms, ecological restoration projects, and organic farming research. Efforts to provide access to healthy food in so-called “food deserts” will be stalled. Hoefner believes that this lack of congressional action has jeopardized the future of farming and sustainable food systems. We’re hoping for a brighter future. Tell us: what do you think are the best ways to support our farmers and keep healthy food accessible to everyone?

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Farm Bill Expiration Puts Forward-Thinking Food Policy at Risk from Civil Eats



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Danh mục: Food

Jack Spell: