Categories: Food

13 Spooky Movies for Halloween and What to Eat (or Drink) While Watching Them

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Mcspiedoboston now shares with you the article 13 Spooky Movies for Halloween and What to Eat (or Drink) While Watching Them on our Food cooking blog.

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Yes. Finally. Halloween is right there. It’s right. There. I can smell it, just like the witches from The Witches can smell kids. If you, like me, celebrate Halloween by watching a bunch of spooky movies and want to know what to eat or drink while watching them, rejoice! Flop on the couch, flip on the screen, and drink (and eat!) to the best day of the year:

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rocky Road  by Alice Medrich
Columbia: “Yeah, well, I’ve had enough. You’re gonna choose between me and Rocky, so named after the rocks in his head!”


Practical Magic

Hothouse Cooler by Kendra Vaculin
Aunt Frances & Aunt Jet: “Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog. Adder’s fork and blindworm’s sting… Barbados lime is just the thing. Cragged salt like a sailor’s stubble! Flip the switch and let the cauldron bubble!”
Sally & Gillian: “Midnight margaritas!”



Corn Dogs by molly yeh
Ben Frankenstein: “I guess we can’t punish Victor for bringing Sparky back from the dead…”


The Witches

Homemade Crackly Candy Bars by Teresa Floyd
Miss Eva Ernst: “Ladies, may I introduce Bruno? Come up here. I have the chocolate here.” 


The Craft

Witch’s Brew by fiveandspice
Nancy: “I drink of my sisters, and I take into myself… all the power of Manon.”


The Addams Family

Homemade Green Bean Casserole by Plum Pie
Morticia: “And our credo: ‘Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.’ We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words.” 


Hocus Pocus

ABC Kitchen’s Butternut Squash on Toast by Kenzi Wilbur
Winnie: “You know, I’ve always wanted a child. And now I think I’ll have one… on toast!”


The Shining

Dominican Spiced Cider by alasully
Danny Torrance: “Redrum. Redrum. REDRUM!”


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Pumpkin Beer and Goat Cheese Soup by Fancy and Casual
Brom Bones: “He needs your head! Look out! Beware!”


Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemary Gin Cocktail by Amy Stafford @ A Healthy Life For Me
Rosemary Woodhouse: “What’s in this drink?”
Minnie Castevet: “Snips and snails and puppy dogs’ tails.” 


The Exorcist

Split Pea Soup for a Winter’s Day by Burnt Offerings
Regan (possessed): “BLEEEEEEGH” 


Elvira: Mistress of the Dark

A Very Good Bloody Mary by Ali Slagle
Elvira: “Bloody Mary.”
Bartender: “No hard liquor served past eight o’clock. Do you want a virgin?”
Elvira: “Maybe, but, uh… I’ll have a couple of drinks first.”



The Judy Bird by Genius Recipes
Norman Bates: “You—you eat like a bird.”
Marion Crane: [Looking around at the stuffed birds while eating] “And you’d know, of course.”
Norman Bates: “No, not really. Anyway, I hear the expression ‘eats like a bird’—it-it’s really a [stammers] fals-fals-fals-falsity. Because birds really eat a tremendous lot. But -I-I don’t really know anything about birds. My hobby is stuffing things. You know—taxidermy.” 

Aha! A trick! Those were thirteen, but here’s one more…


Blood & Sand by Erik Lombardo
Count Orlok: “…” (Sorry folks, this one’s a silent film.)

What are you eating, drinking, or watching on the spookiest night of the year? We really want to know! 

Nguồn: https://mcspiedoboston.com
Danh mục: Food

Jack Spell: