About Us

Rustic and Robust Flavors.

Chefs Mark Gaier and Clark Frasier, of acclaimed Maine restaurants Arrows and MC Perkins Cove, bring to the Seaport District their newest restaurant: M.C. Spiedo.

Inspired by the Chefs’ love of the Italian Renaissance, discovered during their personal travels, the restaurant is named for the style of spit-roasting or rotisserie cooking, which was a popular technique at that time. The menu incorporates Mark and Clark’s fascination with the old world flavors of Florence, Bologna and Venice, along with their focus on farm-fresh ingredients and contemporary cooking techniques.

The Italian Renaissance was a time when cuisine and fine dining started to emerge, when the first collections of recipes were gathered, access to and interest in new ingredients developed, and supper clubs began to form across Italy.

Come discover the rustic and robust flavors at M.C. Spiedo.